Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Catching Snakes, Playing Games, and Everything Not Hiking to Fragrance Lake

For the Mountain Goats second to last outing of the season we met up at Lost Lake Trailhead along Chuckanut Drive. We weren’t going to Lost Lake, or Clayton Beach, but to Fragrance Lake. Although our intention was to make it to Fragrance Lake, rarely does an Explorers Club group make it all the way up before getting side tracked with games, skills, or exploration of the many mysteries along the way. 

Starting things off we were immediately side tracked by a rustling in the Salal bushes beside our opening circle. Having tuned in to that specific rustle, one of the mentors paused everything to investigate. Reaffirming what was heard, returning out of the brush the mentor had a squirming Garter snake in his hand. Taking a moment to examine the animal and talk a bit about the anatomy of why a snake has a forked tongue (ask your Explorer to see if they remember!) we were soon distracted by yet another rustle in the brush. To our surprise there was another snake! Not only was there one more, but half a dozen other Garter snakes hiding in and amongst the brush. The Mountain Goats proceeded to spend the next half hour poking around through the bushes and trying to catch the newest snake to try and sneak away from us. 

Checking out the first snake

Catching Big Bertha!

Searching for more!

Foretelling how the rest of the outing would go, we finally got on the trail and within a few minutes paused to play some rounds of HIDE while tending to a minor injury to one of the Explorers who knocked his toe on a rock. Finally, we pushed further down the trail but yet again got distracted by a cool ledge to explore. Then we barely made it past the entrance to the trailhead before the group decided to scout through the thick Sword Fern for a good place to play Spider’s Web. Whatever glimmer of hope we had to make it even to the lookout, let along the lake was lost when we set up base camp only a couple hundred yards away from the trailhead.

Spreading out we discovered a well-used deer trail with old hoof prints, deer scat, and a log with moss knocked off from deer repeatedly knocking their hooves into it while stepping over. Additionally we discovered a queen Bald Faced Hornet still hibernating in a rotten log who was luckily rather lethargic and unable to do much than cling onto a stick for relocation. With a better understanding of the landscape and a hazard removed it was time to play Spider’s Web. The game we always get excited for was quickly set up by the Mountain Goats with limited assistance from the mentors. While playing the game one of the mentors prepped some materials for skills work while the other tried to help navigate a few challenges with our game.

Setting up base camp and eating some lunch

Re-locating the queen Bald Faced Hornet!
Finally wrapping up Spider’s Web the group naturally transitioned into some skills work. Despite being their first year, the Mountain Goats are a few years older than the usual “first year” groups. Because of this they not only have worked on the Art of Camouflage but also thoroughly took on the Art of Shelter and are hungry for a new skill. Given their growth and development as a group, demonstrated maturity and focus, and a year of safely using sticks around one another the mentors decided to see if the group is ready for the Art of Carving. 

Learning the basics of carving

Practicing the Bow Drill

Technique and form are key in being successful!

 Not wanting to jump right in, the mentors split the group up into two groups. One was working on some basic carving safety and techniques while the other group practiced with a Bow Drill (or primitive means of starting fire with friction). Both skills require immense focus, patience, and dedication to learn and become proficient. Despite the challenge, the Mountain Goats stepped up and proved they are ready to take on more responsibility and delve into the Art of Carving. Despite hiking roughly 200 yards down the Fragrance Lake trail, the Mountain Goats proved that all they need is a small patch of woods, good friends, some snacks and water, and a little bit of inspiration to stay occupied for hours and hours. We caught snacks and hornets, explored a deer trail, played a number of games, began learning the Art of Carving, and even had some left over energy to practice using a Bow Drill. All in all I would call that a pretty good day.

Make sure to check out the rest of the photos from our outing here!

Shelter and Spider's Web on Stewart Mountain

Arriving at Stewart Mountain after a day of school, the Mountain Goats were ready to cut loose and romp in the woods. After taking some time to check in with the group in opening circle, the mentors had a pop quiz for the group; in the next five minutes find a natural shelter that would keep you (relatively) warm and dry if a rain was coming and night was falling. The group spread out throughout the forest and nestled up under ferns, in the nooks of trees and under the thick canopy of a young Western Hemlock. We took tours of everyone’s locations and had time to refresh our minds about what to look for when searching for shelter.

Option 1: Under a rotten log

Option 2: Sword Ferns + Tree Stump

Option 3: Sword Ferns + Rain Jacket Roof

Transitioning to the rest of our outing we hiked up the Chanterelle Trail to find a place to continue developing our shelter building skills. Along the way we passed by a structure constructed by one of our group members while they were on a family outing with some friends. After taking some time to appreciate the fort we pushed on further and found an area full of natural materials cleared away during the trail work. Finding an abundance of building resources nearby your shelter location is a must, so we settled in, split up into two groups and got to work.
Always fun to find a shelter to share with friends!
Re-calling the basics of a debris shelter the groups quickly identified (2) Y-Sticks, (1) Backbone, a number of Ribs, and sources to gather plenty of insulating Debris. Each group put their own personal twist on their shelters and after spending a good amount of time we decided to pause to share our structures with one another. After debriefing the strengths and weaknesses of each design we had just enough time for a game or two of Spider’s Web. 
Finishing up the ribs on Shelter 1

Finishing the debris layer on Shelter 2

Getting ready for closing circle

Showing off their growth as a group, the Mountain Goats set up the playing course and picked out a Spider with minimal help from the mentors. Everyone enjoyed a time to get lost in play and before we knew it the daylight was fading and it was time for closing circle. One of the mentors had takin some time to create a Bow Drill Kit out of gathered materials while the groups were building their shelters. After talking to the group about the need for strong focus and quiet concentration from everyone in order to get an ember we attempted to create fire with friction. After a few moments the group began to lose focus, get squirrelly and let their energy get out of control. Without a group effort focusing on creating the coal the mentors got plenty of smoke but after stopping to examine their product, the elusive coal wasn’t there. Failing to get a coal was the perfect medicine for this group. Without everyone calm and focused it is difficult for the person attempting to get the coal to put their entire focus into the process. Having to scrap our friction fire attempt we debriefed how we will have another opportunity in the future to get a coal and reminded the group it will take everyone’s combine focus to be successful. Finishing our circle we shared some thanks and ate some apple slices before packing up and trucking down the hill back to the parents waiting at the parking lot. With so much progress made in the Mountain Goats ability to build shelters, and the failure of getting a coal we had a perfect balance of success to hang our hats on and failure to keep us hungry to improve on our next outing. This group continues to grow closer and demonstrate a higher level of performance each outing. The mentors continue to greatly enjoy witnessing the growth of this group and can’t wait to see what is in store on our next outing.

Make sure to check out the rest of the photos from our outing here!

Catching Snakes, Playing Games, and Everything Not Hiking to Fragrance Lake

For the Mountain Goats second to last outing of the season we met up at Lost Lake Trailhead along Chuckanut Drive. We weren’t going to L...